Los Olivos

oil on boxed panel, 18″ x 20″, 2019


I love olive trees. Growing up my cousins and I would play for hours under my grandparents olive tree in their backyard. It was so overgrown it was more like a giant tree canopy that touched the ground.
This park is literally covered in olive trees. My husband started playing disc golf a little over ten years ago on and off. I was very pregnant at the time and would follow him to each basket. Now he just started to take our three kids to teach them how to play. It’s been a lot of fun and they are getting pretty good.
Setting up my easel was a little tricky I couldn’t be too close to a platform or basket and luckily I didn’t get hit in the head with a disc.


I love olive trees. Growing up my cousins and I would play for hours under my grandparents olive tree in their backyard. It was so overgrown it was more like a giant tree canopy that touched the ground.
This park is literally covered in olive trees. My husband started playing disc golf a little over ten years ago on and off. I was very pregnant at the time and would follow him to each basket. Now he just started to take our three kids to teach them how to play. It’s been a lot of fun and they are getting pretty good.
Setting up my easel was a little tricky I couldn’t be too close to a platform or basket and luckily I didn’t get hit in the head with a disc.


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