
oil on canvas, 24″x36″, 2019


Beck is my middle child; the child who taught himself to read and remembers everything. You know those times where you think no one is watching or paying attention? Well, he is. He has a passion for writing stories with his brother. He also loves music and playing the piano. If Beck has heard a new catchy song, he is probably trying to play the melody by ear for the next few days on our piano. Our family doesn’t watch sports, but that doesn’t stop Beck from him supporting his favorite home teams in the valley.


Beck is my middle child; the child who taught himself to read and remembers everything. You know those times where you think no one is watching or paying attention? Well, he is. He has a passion for writing stories with his brother. He also loves music and playing the piano. If Beck has heard a new catchy song, he is probably trying to play the melody by ear for the next few days on our piano. Our family doesn’t watch sports, but that doesn’t stop Beck from him supporting his favorite home teams in the valley.