Palm & Central 2019

oil on canvas, 24″x48″, 2019


I’m a Phoenix native. I was born at Good Sam and as much as I wanted to leave the inferno every summer it’s my home and always will be. Palm lane is super nostalgic for me. It’s probably my favorite street to bike down and I usually use it to get everywhere. This is my second time painting it because I wanted to depict it on a larger scale. It makes me want to jump in and go for a ride.


I’m a Phoenix native. I was born at Good Sam and as much as I wanted to leave the inferno every summer it’s my home and always will be. Palm lane is super nostalgic for me. It’s probably my favorite street to bike down and I usually use it to get everywhere. This is my second time painting it because I wanted to depict it on a larger scale. It makes me want to jump in and go for a ride.